Attention: Coaches, Consultants & Industry Thought Leaders...
Discover the Secret to Penning Your Own Bestselling Book in Mere Minutes Per Day...
…This proven strategy has helped 3,633 experts and entrepreneurs to launch a bestselling book, become overnight authorities in their space and grow their sales day in, day out… With a 100% success rate!

Bestselling books achieve so many things at once... that it’s shocking that so few people use them.
My books transformed me from a Hollywood screenwriter into a 7-figure business owner and blew the doors wide open to opportunities that almost no one gets...
Being A Bestselling Author Has Allowed Me To Work With Some of the Biggest Names in the Entrepreneurial Space

Russell Brunson

Dave Asprey

Marlon Sanders

Tai Lopez

David Garfinkel

Ellen Degeneres

Mike Koenigs

Loral Langemeier

Daven Michaels

Perry Marshall

Ted Nicholas

Forbes Riley

Brian Whetton

James Malinchak & Makayla Leone

James Schramko

JJ Virgin

John Benson & Jay Abraham

John Carlton

Matt Furey

Lewis Howes
I've Even Been Featured on
the Ellen Show...
I've Even Been Featured on
the Ellen Show...

As you can see, books have done a lot for me.
And I believe that it will do the same for you!

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What Is It About This Powerful Marketing Method That Enables Coaches, Consultants, Experts, Service Providers
and Marketers To…
Grow Their Authority, Status And Income As A Bestselling Author…
While Only Investing One Weekend Into
Actually Creating Their Book?
From: Travis Cody
Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
This may sound crazy...
Yet this tactic and strategy is working like nothing I’ve seen before.

If you can spare just 32 minutes per day, I guarantee that you can be a bestselling author 90 days from now.
You see…
I spent 15 years of my life working as a professional screenwriter in Hollywood.
On some projects that were in production, me and the other writers were required to write over 44+ pages of script every single week.
And if we didn't… we'd be fired because our delay could cost millions of dollars from holding the production up.
At the time, it was rough going many of the days.
Turns out this strict writing schedule was a blessing because…
It Forced Me to Design a Brutally Effective Writing System That Could Help Churn Out 100’s Of Pages Of New Material Each Week…
Figuring that system out changed everything for me.
Being able to write so quickly became such an asset for my career.
And it worked practical miracles when I applied it to writing books.
My first book took me almost two years to write….
The second one took 19 months…
When I finally adapted the same "speed publishing" system I used with my screenplays to write my books….
I went from a blank page to a first draft in just one weekend!
And now, I want to share this same system with YOU so you can stop "thinking about" your book and finally get the darn thing written, published and live in the world.
First, I want to share a Hollywood Secret with you…
Nearly Every Hollywood Blockbuster Movie Follows The Same Launch Process
90% of the scripts that I would write followed the same process, regardless of whether they were designed for the theater or to be launched onto television channels worldwide…
And after 10+ years in Hollywood, I was able to reverse engineer it and apply to my own writing.
Today, for the first time, I'm revealing it to other entrepreneurs who are ready to have a bestselling book of their own as well.
Turn Hollywood’s Billion-Dollar Summer Blockbuster Strategy Into a Repeatable System for Getting a Book Onto the Bestsellers List…
What you’re about to discover is a new and very different marketing method that harnesses the same strategies that Hollywood uses to create Billion-Dollar Summer Blockbusters…
To create a world class, bestselling book that will bring you more leads, new clients and more profits than most entrepreneurs see in a lifetime!
And this will work for you:
This “missing piece” to your business will take your unique knowledge and experience…
And turn it into a bestselling book that creates trust, credibility and an intense buying demand for your specific products or services… without any selling!
And this is NOT theory.
This marketing method has helped thousands of entrepreneurs and business owners just like you to become ‘micro-celebrities’ in their space…
Attract dozens of new leads each week that are excited to work with them…
Get invited to speak at top events like TED…
And give them complete control over the future of their business.
The method you’re about to discover…
Will show you how to package your knowledge into a world class book, without having to write a single word (if you don’t want to).
Use marketing strategies from Hollywood to turn it into an immediate bestseller…
And then create a high volume of daily leads and sales for you from brand new clients and customers!
And it does it while educating prospects and delivering value so that they are excited to buy your top level products and service again and again (and again).
Learn How to Write a Book in Less Than 32 Minutes Per Day That Has a 97% Chance Of Reaching The Amazon Bestsellers List…
When you learn to do this, the floodgates will open.
You’ll be able to join an elite club of bestselling authors that get the best clients, top speaking engagements and have complete control over their income!
I'm talking about:
Inside of this 225 page book, you’ll see how the M.O.V.I.E.S process does all of this for you…
And how it can bring you more customers, more consistently than any other marketing strategies you may have tried in the past.
"I can't tell you the power that comes from saying you're a bestselling author. It truly opens doors and sets you apart from others who are doing something similar." - Makayla Leone

“The traction that my name and reputation has gained from this book, and just having something to hand out to people is pretty amazing. I highly recommend Travis.” – Keith Yackey

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This System Has Helped Launch Over 3,633 Bestselling Books...
"I have sold millions of copies of my books digitally online. When I finally decided to release my first physical book, Travis Cody was instrumental in helping me to get it published and in getting it to #1 on Amazon. If you want your own bestselling book, follow his method and you will see results.

#1 Bestselling Author
Open Click Buy & 4 Day Thyroid Diet
When Travis said he could make me a bestselling author, I thought it was a little far fetched. I was a complete unknown in my industry. Today I am a #1 bestselling author. It happened quickly after we met and it has tremendously helped my business, my credibility, my exposure and, of course, my bank account.

#1 Bestselling Author
Defending Yourself From Foreclosure
I recently worked with Travis and his "make your book a bestseller" marketing service. I have to be honest... I was a little skeptical. But lo and behold, in only a matter of days, I was a best selling author!
If you get the opportunity to work with Travis, I highly recommend it. I highly endorse his book marketing service.

#1 Bestselling Author
Just Sell The Damn Thing
"I've been in publishing, one way or another, for almost 40 years, including being a publisher myself (six authors' books in print). I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER seen anything as easy or powerful as this.
I know this from personal experience, because my book hit #3 on the Amazon paid best seller list within 24 hours of being published. This blew my expectations totally out of the water! I highly recommend this service for anyone who is serious about having a best-selling book (which, not incidentally, is the numero uno credential you can have, period)."

#1 Bestselling Author
Breakthrough Copywriting
"As a professional educator, I rely on my public profile as an author and speaker to competitively position my company in the marketplace.
Travis Cody's services brought me over 15,000 downloads for my eBook, leading to increased revenues and heightened respect from potential clients. Who doesn't want to be able to say they're a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author? Thanks to Travis' Kindle Bestseller Service, I am now the only logical choice for parents of college-bound teens looking for inside tips to help their students. (And many of my clients are household names.) That gets an A+ from this teacher!"

#1 Bestselling Author
S.W.A.T. Team Tactics for Getting Your Teen into College - Founder, Valley Prep Tutoring, Inc.
"As a professional life coach, speaker and media expert, I rely on my books to introduce me to a larger audience and to grow my business.
Travis was referred to me by a colleague who also used his services to reach best-seller status with her book. From our first meeting, it was clear that Travis was very knowledgeable about the process required to increase awareness and generate downloads of my eBook. On the first day of the official launch, Travis was able to generate close to 16,000 downloads of my eBook (Dump Your Fear!) resulting in it's rise to #3 and 19 in two Amazon paid best seller categories. Thanks for your Kindle Best Seller Service Travis!"

#1 Bestselling Author
Dump Your Fear!
"Within 3 days, my kindle eBook ranked #1 within categories and maintained this rock-star position for almost 3 weeks (now, a month later, the rankings still hold strong). Travis made the process easy, worked quickly and guaranteed my results, making it easy for me to write this recommendation."

#1 Bestselling Author
The Predictable Profits Playbook
"I highly recommend Travis's book promotion service. He helped me claim three #1 spots on Amazon in very competitive categories. Now that I have that credibility, I am looked upon as a true expert in the training and coaching industry, and that status is paying off every day. Thank goodness I found Travis!"

#1 Bestselling Author
The Evolution of Training and Coaching: How to Explode Your Company Fast
"Travis is simply amazing at what he does. He analyzes the opportunity to market your product or service in a way that is unparalleled to other firms. His proactive communication gives you confidence that your heading in the right direction. And when he delivers your intended results, he still continues to find ways to add value! Travis is a class-act and an asset to the entrepreneurial community."

#1 Bestselling Author
Here's Just A Few Of The Marketing Secrets That You’ll Discover Inside The Pages Of This New Book…

Inside Bestseller By Design you will discover the most powerful marketing strategies that Hollywood uses to sell billions of dollars worth of blockbuster movies each year, and apply it to rapidly creating and selling your own bestselling book.
Here’s a sneak peek at just some of what you will find inside:
SECTION 1: How To Ensure That Your Book Will Succeed Before You Ever Create It
SECTION 2: The Simplest, Most Powerful Way To Write A Book In One Weekend
SECTION 3: How To Guarantee That Your Book Explodes On Launch
There are a LOT of proven, real world strategies crammed into this one small book! (A book I believe will change your life.)
That said, I’ll let you in on another little secret…
There's a lot more inside!
So much in fact, that I don’t have the space to explain it all here.
What are you waiting for? This information won't do you any good if you never apply it!
The time to take action is now!

Grab Your Copy of Bestseller By Design + Bonus Bundle Worth $615+...
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Disclaimer: You can go and buy this book on right now.
However, if you do, then you’ll miss out on the exclusive bonuses that are available to you on this page only.
You won’t be able to find these bonuses anywhere else, not even on my main website.
If you close this page, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to get this again.
Grab Your Book Now And Get These Bonuses…FREE!
BONUS #1: The "Guaranteed Bestseller" Method
“The Simple, Inexpensive Test That Will Tell You If Your Book Idea Will Sell Before You Spend A Minute Creating It!”
Total Value: $297

When you get your copy of Bestseller By Design, you'll get immediate access to a short training where I go through the simple process that I use to test every book idea that I have before I write a single word.
Whether you’re still playing with the idea of writing a book or you’re a bestselling author already, the Guaranteed Seller Method is for you.
With one simple ad, you’ll be able to tell if your book will be a winner or not before you invest any time creating it.
Not only that, you can also avoid all the embarrassment that comes with wasting time creating a book that nobody wants to buy. (Which really sucks if it took you years of your life to write it!)
I’ll give you the template to use, along with step-by-step details that take you through this simple process at your own pace.
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Bestseller By Design Today!
BONUS #2: Private Training With Mr X.
“How To Skip The Biggest Mistakes That 98.3% Of New Authors Make When Publishing Their Book”
Total Value: $97

This private call was never meant to see the light of day.
After participating in the launches of 3,633 bestselling books, it becomes extremely clear where people waste time, make mistakes and lose momentum.
And unfortunately more often than not, this leads to them never completing their book.
One day, I was explaining these problems and mistakes that I see everyday to one of my friends. I didn’t realize that the Zoom meeting was being recorded.
It wasn't until that friend… who I'll call Mr X… reached out to me a few days later and told me that it was one of the most profound writing lessons he'd ever had.
(And Mr X is a well-known copywriter that has sold multiple millions worth of products and services with words!)
I realized “if it was so profound for him, then it will be for you too!”
So, I decided to include it as one of your free bonuses.
You get this private call free with your order today. Just another tool that will help you skip past the biggest mistakes most authors make. Plus, drastically reduce the amount of time that it takes to get your book done.
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Bestseller By Design Today!
BONUS #3: 7 ‘Fast Cash’ Triggers
“7 Secret, Powerful, Dead-Simple Tactics That You Can Use In Minutes To Extract Fast Cash From Your Book As Soon As Tomorrow”
Total Value: $197

These are 7 of the most effective book selling strategies used by the most influential authors around today. And now they’re available to you.
These ‘Fast Cash’ Triggers are designed to be so simple that you can use them tonight, and you could see an obvious boost in your business sales as soon as tomorrow.
And after you go through this training, you’ll be equipped with every weapon that you need to create sales ‘out of thin air’ using your new book!
Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of Bestseller By Design Today!

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You can get all of this right here, on this page for just $5.90 today!
If you're still reading, it's possible that you could be thinking…
“I Don’t Know If I Can Do This Because I’m Not a Good Writer”
Compared to who?
If you compare me to Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown or any other big name authors then I'd probably be lacking as well.
The good news is that it doesn’t matter how good of a writer you think you are!
When you follow the process outlined in Bestseller By Design, you’ll discover that your writing skills play a very, very small role in the creation of your book.
You’re the producer of your book. And just like in Hollywood you don’t see the producer doing all the work.
They have a team of editors, directors, designers and anyone else that they need to create a world-class production.
And it will be the same for you.
If you have the ability to write a simple email to a friend, then you can do this.
I guarantee that if you follow the steps laid out in this book you’ll be a bestselling author a few show weeks from now.
You Don’t Have To Be An Expert Or Even “Qualified” To Write A Book...
It’s often better if you aren’t one of the most knowledgeable people in your field.
And the reason why is because they actually tend to over-complicate things!
The truth is that anyone…
- Who has a hobby that they love.
- Has been in a job for more than four or five years.
- Is a parent.
- Has a special skill or talent.
- And especially anyone that is an entrepreneur or owns their own business…
...Has a book inside of them!
I’ll show you step-by-step how to draw out what you already know and turn it into a book.
"I had actually hired two other people to help me with my book, and they were both just awful. When Travis Cody told me about his service, I didn't believe that he could actually do it. I mean, who is crazy enough to guarantee a best seller rating for an Amazon book? Not only did Travis pull my entire story out of me in a way that was much more entertaining than I had originally planned, he also put my first two books onto the bestseller list. I plan to use his service for all my other books. And you should too if you know what's good for you."

Bestselling Author
Luck of the Devil
"I always knew that I had a book inside me. However, as a successful business owner, the idea of actually sitting down and writing one was overwhelming... if not outright terrifying! When I hired Travis Cody, I'll admit that I was pretty skeptical that he could actually do what he promised. In the end, he radically over delivered on everything he said he would do. He helped me to create my first book in an abbreviated time frame... from initial consultation, to writing, editors, interior and cover design to final publication. And finally... the marketing promotion. Ahhh, the marketing. Although Travis doesn't guarantee a particular spot on the bestseller list, only that you'll actually BE on the list... my book "How To Be Hollywood Beautiful Without The Hollywood Price" reached #1. I can't tell you the power that comes from saying you're a bestselling author. It truly opens doors and sets you apart from others who are doing something similar. Additionally, it's pretty amazing to say that you are a bestselling author.

#1 Bestselling Author
Unlock Your Genius: 7 Keys To Create Your Ideal Life
Plus, you're fully protected by…
My Lifetime 'Love It Or It's Free' Guarantee:
If you're here, then maybe you've tried everything to write a book and are still feeling stuck. Maybe you, like me at one time, have spent hours motivating yourself to sit down and write.
Maybe you've even spent days sitting behind your computer, sifting through endless amounts of information and trying to put it into a logical order.
And it's possible that you've even spent years investing in yourself by buying courses, books, programs and everything else that you can find to give yourself an edge… yet you still aren’t where you want to be.
I know how you feel. It took me about 2 years to write my first book and I wanted to give up almost every day.
I want you to know that I’ve got you covered.
My goal is for you to use this book over and over again.
That's why you get a lifetime guarantee when you pick up your copy of the book today.
It doesn’t matter if or when you return it, just try it out and if it doesn’t help you then let me know and I’ll refund your $5.90.
You can even keep the book and the bonuses.
Just email my team and they'll give you back every red cent, no questions asked. Nothing could be more fair than that.

Here's EVERYTHING You Get With Your Copy Of Bestseller By Design Today!
Total Value: $615.95
Get Your Bundle Today For
Just $5.90
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so you can enjoy the book and bonuses immediately

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. I know you're going to love the book!
Travis Cody
P.S. REMEMBER: The bonuses that I have included above are NOT available on or at any other bookstore. You can only get them right here.
Click the button below to get started today.
When you do that, you will be taken to a 100% secure order form page where you can review the details of your order and then
(Clicking the order button does not commit you to anything, you will simply have a chance to review your order.)
The eBook and bonuses will be sent to you electronically – in just a few minutes from now – even if it’s 3:00 AM on a Sunday—immediately after you place your order.

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Frequently Asked Questions:
There is no catch. You can pick this book up for so little because I want to “put my best foot forward” and prove you with real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it so much that it will be the start of a great business relationship for years to come.
Yes, if you buy the book and realize that it wasn’t what you expected then just reach out to us and we’ll refund the $19 immediately. You can even keep the book and bonuses!
Yes, this will work for you! You don’t have to be good at writing, or even good with English to do this either. I’ll show you exactly how to do it!
Not at all! I’ve already done all the testing and technical stuff for you. I’ve intentionally made this process as simple and easy as possible so that you don’t need any technical experience.
Yes! This book only took me 27 days to go from a blank page to ready to publish. If you follow the process exactly how I’ve laid it out then you can reach the bestsellers list with days to spare.
A bestselling book of your own accomplishes so many things at once, it's shocking that so few people use one:
- It immediately positions you as an expert
- It opens the floodgates for PR and media opportunities
- Establishes you as a thought leader and influencer in your industry
- Pre-sells clients on working with you… so your job to enroll them is much, much easier!
- Can lower your cost to get a new lead to $0… and, if done strategically, can actually make you money. (Imagine that… getting PAID to get new leads!)
- Is the proven tool of the world's most famous and successful marketers.
No problem, reach out to and my support team will happily answer your questions.