NEW #1 Bestselling Book Reveals
How A Specific Type Of Book
Can Help You Get All the
Clients You Want...
...without years of hard work, long painful writing
sessions... or having to hire an expensive ghostwriter.
NEW #1 Bestselling Book Reveals
How A Specific Type Of Book Can Help You Get All the Clients You Want...
...without years of hard work, long painful writing sessions... or having to hire an expensive ghostwriter.

First, Please Read This Disclaimer:
Results ARE typical!
I’ve personally created eleven bestselling books of my own (all of which reached #1 on Amazon)... and I have three more books set to be published in the next nine months.
And not only have I personally helped 51 other entrepreneurs go from blank page to fully published, bestselling book (15 of which were #1)...
The team of marketers I work with have... collectively... helped 2,463 (at last count) Marketers, Consultants, Speakers and Agency Owners do the same thing.
I can unequivocally promise you one thing:
You can do that too!
With 11 years of business and publishing experience behind me... the one, BIG LESSON I've learned is...
If you follow the method and formula we teach… you will achieve the results.
If you already run a successful business, offer a useful service or are a coach/consultant... then chances are you will find this letter extremely valuable. And absolutely worth your time.
Now that we’re clear about that, let me show you…
How to Go From Blank Page To Fully Published Book In 90 Days Or Less
Yes! It's possible to become a bestselling author in under 90 days.
I'm not "saying it's possible, yet rare"... no no no! This method has created 2,463 (and counting) clients become bestselling authors already.
It takes 4-6 weeks, to go from blank page to published real, book... AND another 6 weeks to hit a bestseller list on Amazon.
From there, you have a lot more options, and we'll get into that a little later on this page...
Don't take it from me, though.
Let me share with you what James Schramko, founder of wrote in the forward to the very book you're getting on this page.

James Schramko,
Author of Several Books
& Founder of
"It’s a rare opportunity to share a private beach house in Malibu CA for three days with a dozen other 7-figure entrepreneurs.
I had flown in from Australia and was the keynote speaker.
...Over the course of three days every marketing strategy and method these successful business people were using was discussed, analyzed, torn down and then rebuilt into something better.
It was an incredible information exchange between the best marketers of the world in what works right now.
While everyone in the room was successful in their own right, one man had something that everyone wanted:
How to become a bestselling author.
I learned that Travis had several #1 bestselling books of his own. (Here was a man who walked the walk.)
Even more astonishing was that he has a 100% track record. Obviously this fellow knew what he was doing.
Yet what really intrigued me was what he did *after* the books became bestsellers.
You see, for Travis a bestselling book is just the start. He outlined the principles he used to then help his clients turn their book into profitable income streams.
He also made a very compelling argument that NOW was the best time in history for every business owner to have a book of their own.
What was most shocking to me... (as someone who would rather talk than type…) was how easy it is for you to create a bestselling book.
Most of us wrongly assume that writing a book is a tedious labor of love that takes years. Yet, here was a man who shared with us how to do it in under 6-weeks.
As you are about to discover, Amazon has broken the centuries old publishing model of needing an agent, a publisher, and editor and a publicist – and made it possible for anyone to create a bestselling book.
This means that YOU can become the go-to expert in your field. And, depending on how you position yourself after the book comes out, you may also experience the perks of being a celebrity and well-known figure in your industry.
So is this book worth the read for you? In a word: YES.
In all the business books I have read over the years, this book has the most actionable steps. This is not the fluff, the what or the why followed by endless case studies that push you to sign up for a seminar.
This book is the HOW.
The exact steps that anyone can follow to quickly create a book and push it onto the bestseller list."
The event James met me at was a $30,000/year private mastermind. Fortunately for you, you get everything I shared at that event... plus more... when you grab your copy of "When A Book As A Gold Mine" today.
Here’s a Small Taste of What You'll Find Inside...
Specifically Designed For People Who Hate Writing...
(Or think they're not a writer!)
Listen, most of us hate the idea of sitting down at a computer and staring at a blank page. (Myself included! >.< )
Most people would rather do hard manual labor than sit at a desk to write something new.
Yet, once I perfected the system, I actually ENJOY the idea of putting out a new book now!
Here's why:
My first book took me nearly two years to write… after having thought about it for over ten!
My second book took me 19 months and was torture because I was working with a publisher and had tight deadlines.
Then I created the system I now teach.
And when creating my 4th book I went from blank page to fully published and on the bestseller list in… are you ready?... three weeks. (It was actually 22 days.)
When you use it, two things will happen:
First... you’ll end up with the first draft of your book… without having written a single sentence. (Sounds weird now, I know… but it makes complete sense once you read how it works!)
Secondly... once you’ve reached “best-seller status”... you’ll open new doors for great opportunities. This could be speaking engagements... partnerships with industry leaders... or even TV and radio appearances,
And that’s worth creating a book for.
Exactly What You’re Getting

#1 Amazon Bestseller
There’s no fluff or filler in this book.
Only battle-tested strategies that have worked for me and my clients. In fact, exactly 51 clients... (at the time I write this)... have followed the exact steps in this system to end up with their own best-selling book.
Plus, it’s easy to read.
You can read the entire book in one sitting. Which means you can start implementing these strategies NOW… rather than having to wait.
It’s About More Than Just Becoming A Bestselling Author
I'll be honest with you… becoming a bestselling author is easy.
Once you know the system.
And, since I'm being honest… there are a lot of courses and coaches out there who can show you how.
But after working with hundreds of entrepreneurs… I can tell you one thing:
Just having a bestselling book isn't enough!
It's what you do AFTER you have the book that matters.
If you have your own business... then you have everything you need to turn your expertise into a bestselling book…
A book that brands you as an expert… as a trusted authority… and as a major influencer in your industry.
More significantly… you need a book that sets you apart from your competition.
A book that makes you the only logical choice.
A book that pre-filters your clients so that only the cream of the crop come your way... credit card in hand asking to work with you.
That’s why you can use the strategies in When A Book Is A Gold Mine... to attract premium clients for your products and services. Clients that are pre-sold and convinced they want to do business with you before they ever speak to you.
Just like the results my clients regularly experience.
Like Ryan... a real estate investor... who used these tactics to build his authority in an extremely competitive niche.
And even though potential clients had scores of investors pounding at the door... he was the ONLY one with a bestselling book in his market.
And he closed more deals… way more deals... as a result.
Before that, he was virtually unknown in his industry. It only took one #1 bestselling book to change everything.
Or Pamela... a tutor from Los Angeles... who wrote a book and turned her new-found authority into a booming business... one that helps parents get their teens into college.
Then there was Jacinth… a life coach who used these strategies to launch her book. On the first day she was able to get over 16,000 downloads on Amazon.
Like I said... there's more to this system than "just" writing a book.
It’s about using that book to become an influencer, a respected authority who is sought after for prestigious speaking gigs... and, of course... attracting higher quality clients who pay you what you are worth.
World-Class Marketing Tactics To Sell Your Book Like Hot Cakes
And it gets even better because you’re also getting…
Advanced Strategies Proven By The World's Most Successful Marketers…
Here's the unvarnished TRUTH:
Most people think about books entirely... wrong.
They think that a published book is the end.
Your book is actually the beginning!
You see:
It STARTS With A Book.
In fact, hugely successful people like:
- Tony Robbins
- Brendon Burchard
- Frank Kern
- Russell Brunson
- Dean Graziosi
- and more…
...ALL start their online marketing campaigns using a book.
A bestselling book of your own accomplishes so many things at once, it's shocking that so few people use one:
1. It immediately positions you as an expert
2. It opens the floodgates for PR and media opportunities
3. Establishes you as a thought leader and influencer in your industry
4. Pre-sells clients on working with you… so you're job to enroll them is much, much easier!
5. Can lower your cost to get a new lead to $0… and, if done strategically, can actually make you money. (Imagine that… getting PAID to get new leads!)
6. Is THE proven tool of the world's most famous and successful marketers.
That's why inside this book… you’ll discover the powerful strategies that the marketers I just mentioned use to turn books into... lucrative income streams…
And how YOU can use them to build your business faster… and easier… than ever before.
This is something that no other course or program teaches. (I know… I looked!)
You’ll discover the exact process my clients use to turn your book into a powerful marketing channel... one that could potentially bring you new client leads... for free!
You'll also learn the type of products and services that book readers will go bananas for.
Plus... you’ll see real-world case studies of clients who used their book as the foundation to create $5,000... $10,000... even $15,000 and more products that clients were happy to pay for!
Here's What to Do Next
The cost of this book is $7.63 and you get it instantly as a PDF download.
Why that price?
Well, I used to mail out physical copies of the book. The printing, postage and padded envelope cost exactly $7.63.
But about 4.2% of books we shipped out were getting lost in the mail. And some of them were taking over 17 days to arrive!
I figured you'd prefer have the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.
As soon as you place your order today, I'll send you an email receipt with the download link where you can get it.
From there you can download the book and read it.
You can access your book anywhere... instantly... without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!
Oh, and in case you’re wondering…
There Is No Catch
I know that this is very inexpensive... so you might be wondering what the “catch” is.
And I know that there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something... only to pull some shenanigans that end up charging your card each month.
This is not one of them.
There is no hidden monthly program you have to try or anything like that.
I’m giving you this entire book for $7.63 because I want to “put my best foot forward” and provide you with real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it so much that it’ll be the start of a great business relationship for years to come.
There is one thing to keep in mind though:
Time Is Of The Essence
In most cases, I take a loss by selling this book at this price.
Right now, I’m selling this as part of a marketing test to see if I can turn a small profit.
In the end, if I can’t at least break even by offering this book and other services, I’m going to pull it from the market.
Right now it costs me $19.48 in advertising costs to sell one book.
Why would I do that?
Simple. I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with me again.
Yes, I have other products and services that may interest you.
Basically, I’m betting that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer. Pretty straight forward really.
So YES... this really is a limited offer.
That said, if I can't make the numbers work for this test... I may pull the book down and raise the price... so you need to claim your copy right now.
If I pull the offer down, that's all she wrote.
And by the way, even though you're paying a ridiculously low price - you're still protected by our…
100% Money Back Guarantee. Here’s My Promise…
I 100% guarantee that you’ll love this book... or I’ll return your money and you can keep the book anyway.
Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $7.63 with no questions asked.
How's that for fair?
Truly Limited Time Offer
Grab Your Copy Before They're Gone
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Travis Cody
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm giving you my #1 bestselling book. This book outlines the exact formula to take you from blank page... to fully published book… in 8 weeks or less.
This is the exact formula that over 512 entrepreneurs have followed to do just that.
Your price is a measly $7.63.
(That's the exact price it would cost if I were to print up a physical copy... stuff it in a padded envelope... and then mail it out to you. If you really want a physical copy, you can add it to your order on the next page.)
I'm giving it to you as a gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the book immediately.
This is a very limited offer because I actually lose money on each one of these books that I sell. If I'm not able to eventually at least break even on my advertising costs... then I'll have to pull this offer down.
There is no "catch" to this offer. You will not be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that.
In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back your $7.63.
You won't regret it. 🙂